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Climbing the Hill: My Congressional Internship

January 2021 - April 2021

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En Route to the Hill

As my advisor clicked away to add my newly chosen minor, she looked over at me and asked "why do you want to do a minor in Political Science, don't you want to be a Doctor?" What had started out as a fascination with political ideologies and systems, led to pursuing a minor in Political Science to cultivate my knowledge, and then landing me at the foot of Capitol Hill. 

In Spring of 2021, I became one of ten FIU Hamilton DC Scholars; a program where students are given an opportunity in the country's capitol to make an impact. The program included completing an internship in DC, a Washington Seminar course, and networking opportunities.

Foot of the Hill

Entering into the political arena, I wanted to explore the means of creating a positive change through policy and legislation. So I decided to dip my feet into the largest part of the United State's legislative body: the House of Representatives. 

​Having strong community ties was an important value of mine, and having genuine concern and taking actions to remediate issues. Thus, I had the opportunity to intern with Congressman Darren Soto (FL-9) who represented the community that raised me. 

Working in between a full time college courseload, I worked closely with the legislative team to aggregate support for proposed bills, attend to constiuent concerns, attend virtual hearings, and drafting letters.

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Climbing the Hill

I signed my oath to work on January 13th 2021. I put the United States Constitution next to my desk. It was one of the first parts of American history that I had learned and treasured; the same one that appeared on the oath of office that every congressional intern signs, "to support and defend the Constitution". The transition into DC, although virtual, was exciting. The experience was surreal for a kid like me, to be able to do work that I never thought I would be doing. I had learned so many things in such little time, stepped out of my comfort zone, and kept the promise I made to myself: give it all that I got.

The View at the Top

My favorite lesson was what the office Legislative Director told us, doesn't matter what your degree is, what matters is the work that you do. Combining my knowledge of science and policy, I created my legislative project around the mental health of immigrants and the policies proposed to improve upon it and presented it to the congressman and the legislative team before ending my final day.

I started out a little unsure in DC, still finding my niche. I put my passions to work with this internship and focused on health within immigration.I know that I have a spot in DC; there's always work to do.

Congressional Internship: News
Congressional Internship: Selected Work
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